
Browse our blog to find helpful articles and everything you need to know about hair replacement and more.

Episode 22 – How we attach systems at Farrell

  This is information that everyone wants to know. At Farrell our attachments are easy. It only takes 60 second to attach our hair system for one week. It only takes 30 second to remove the hair system. Have no fear. Richard how easy it is to...

Episode 21 – Fix your Hair – Save your hairline

  That's right, most women don't always need to shave all their scalp area in order to wear a Farrell hair system. They don't need to lose their hairline either. And what about those transplants men pay for? How about keeping some? How about learning...

Episode 20 – Weaves, Transplants and Healthy Hair

  See how a weave stacks up against a hair system at a trade show.  This podcast takes a deeper look in to hair transplants. There are things you must consider before getting a hair transplant. And you might want to check if your diet is causing your...

Episode 19 – Who Cares Anyway?

  Do men really care if a woman has hair loss?  Hopefully your man doesn't let your hair loss affect him. Do women really care if a man has hair loss? Many men think ladies don't tell them the truth. The answers might surprise you.  Hear about one...

Episode 18- What were you thinking?

  Richard questions what people were thinking when they chose certain hair loss options. Options were: A hair weave, Surgical Transplants, Hair Fibers, Pills and Topical Solutions, Ordering a 'Do it Yourself System' from China, A Monthly Attachment...

Episode 14: Tricho, Cancer, Tradgedies and Meds

  Tricotillomania is explained and treatments are explored.  Chemo and hair systems are discussed along with a way to grow out hair after treatments. A body builder is concerned about the side effects of Propecia. And a college student suffers an...

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