How To Get the Best Hair Replacement Systems for Men

Hair loss is common among both men and women, as each day, the average person loses about 100 strands of hair. Hair loss can occur due to genetics, diseases such as diabetes, chemo treatment for cancer, or constant use of low-quality wigs. Most men experience hair loss due to genetics more than any other cause of hair loss, through a condition known as male pattern baldness.


While you cannot change your genetics, you can seek hair replacement services form the top hair replacement experts. Most men are not aware of the custom hair systems for men that are available for advanced hair replacement, and they end up giving up and going fully bald.


While for some men it is fashionable going fully bald, a big number would love to have hair replacements, especially if they are still young. Hair loss may affect your self-esteem, more so, if it happens in your 20s or early 30’s when you are not ready to go bald. However, you should not lose sleep over it, as there are custom hair systems for men that will give you non-surgical hair replacement options.


What options do you have with hair replacement systems for men?


You can choose to have a top-of-the-head wig or a full-size wig. Top-of-heads, also called toupees, boost the volume of your hair size on the parts of your scalp that are going bald. They are less intrusive, and most users prefer to use them for 2-4 weeks. The hairpiece is attached to the scalp with a light adhesive, making it easy to remove.


On the other hand, full-size wigs cover the entire scalp. Therefore, they provide you with more options and are less simpler to use than toupees. However, both deliver excellent results when properly done. This is why you should have the best hair replacement expert recommend the best options for your hair loss. Toupees and full-size wigs from the best hair replacement experts blend naturally with your hair. As such, even with close scrutiny, it will be difficult for a person to tell that you had a hair replacement.


To ensure that you get a quality hair replacement, consider the following factors.


1. Choose an Experienced Hair Replacement Expert


The hair loss experts who have been in the industry for a long time are well-acquainted with custom hair systems for men and the various techniques involved in hair replacement. Resultantly, such an expert will have the best hair replacement system and options.


In turn, your hair replacement will last longer, and it will look more natural. When selecting the best hair replacement expert, consider job experience, customer reviews, and the pool of options available, and lastly, compare the cost. The best hair loss experts in the industry do not come cheap, so you should make sure you budget enough to experience the best hair replacement services.


2. Adhering to the Post-Replacement Maintenance Practices


After having a hair replacement, your hair loss expert will recommend standard maintenance guidelines and practices. You should follow these guidelines to the letter so that you get the best results from your hair replacement. This would include avoiding vigorous washing or using certain harsh chemicals when washing.


3. Have Regular Replacements


If, for instance, you had a toupee, you should have it replaced within two weeks to ensure quality. The same goes for full-wigs, though you could replace them less frequently as compared to other hairpieces. It is important to do a regular replacement so that the wigs do not start looking old and affect your appearance. Additionally, other than maintaining the looks, replacing the wigs more often is healthier and more hygienic. As such, this calls for regular visits to the hair replacement experts so that they can monitor the hair replacement process.


Today, more men are seeking hair replacement solutions for their hair loss. Custom hair systems for men are providing the best hair replacement solutions, and most men are warming up to the idea of having hair replacements rather than going bald. For the best non-surgical hair replacement systems, visit a hair replacement expert near you.

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